AdventureAustria i Lienz

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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4, Gartengasse, 9900, Lienz, Lienz, AT Österreich
kontakter telefon: +43 699 17317344
internet side:
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Latitude: 46.8300773, Longitude: 12.7624613

kommentar 3

  • Jacky Fitt FRSA

    Jacky Fitt FRSA


    We had a wonderful activity holiday through AdventureAustria - so much to do and enjoy in the most beautiful surroundings. Great comms and logistics. Thanks Christian!

  • Ian Claridge

    Ian Claridge


    We were very happy with our choice to book a holiday in Lienz through Adventure Austria. Christian was extremely helpful throughout, from making sure we were settled into our hotel, helping with any queries or concerns we had, organising our activities and providing help with transport (to local activities) when needed. Thoroughly recommended :)

  • James Oliver

    James Oliver


    I have been visiting Austria and in particular the Tyrol region for a number of years. I came across Adventure Austria when looking for a ski holiday earlier in 2014. I enquired through the wbsite and received a very personalised message back from offering a number of options for a ranges of budget requirements. I booked the trip through Adventure Austria and the overall experience was fantastic. The service from the pick up at the airport through to arranging ski hire, hotels and dining out was excellent. Christian goes the extra mile to ensure that your holiday meets all your requirements. It was really helpful to have a bi-lingual representative as my Austrian is not all all good. I would highly recommend a trip to Lienz which provides all the charm of a lovely Astrian town as well as enough activities to keep you as busy as you want to be. I have absolutely no reservations in recommending Adventure Austria to anyone who wants to get a taste of true Austrian life. I have already booked for 2015 and may also look at arranging something in the summer months.

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