Alphotel Innsbruck i Innsbruck

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ØstrigAlphotel Innsbruck



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16, Bernhard-Höfel-Straße, 6020, Innsbruck, Innsbruck, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 512 344333
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.264953, Longitude: 11.429139

kommentar 5

  • en

    Red Wolf


    Super nice hotel and staff. We had dinner included which was great and the table service was fast. Allways watching and moving from one course to the next. So like I said superb staff. The hotel also has a fantastic wellness area with a finish sauna, a steam sauna, an infrared sauna as well as a waterbed room. It is in the 4th floor and you have a great view while sitting in the sauna. The breakfast was a decent size and had everything you need The hotel is a ski hotel I believe as they had a ski Celler I thought it a fantastic place I would totally come again

  • John Bamforth

    John Bamforth


    Close to motorway and shopping centre and supermarket. Decent buffet and à la carte evening menu. Buffet breakfast a little limited. Reception, restaurant and checkout staff a little diffident, not offhand but not overly friendly either.

  • Sara Davis

    Sara Davis


    Nice and cosy Hotel! I only wish that it was a little closer to the city center. They had a great buffet for breakfast.

  • Alex Nitulescu

    Alex Nitulescu


    We were here in March 2017 for 4 days. The location is great and the rooms are perfect. The services and the cleanness of the entire hotel were remarkable . If you’re a skier you’ll appreciate the ski&boots storage room with heated bars for the boots ;) bus connections are ok and parking spaces are plenty

  • Aggie Vierling

    Aggie Vierling


    The hotel is located very close to the best mall in Innsbruck. Within 3-5 minutes by foot. Free parking is provided. Location is in a commercial area. Breakfast buffet is good although the service seems a bit overwhelmed at times. Room service is efficient and quick. Just a warning to guests who may have mobility issues, the showers are in bathtubs and getting in and out could be dangerous as the tubs are high. I'd rate this hotel as 3-star. No more as maintenance to the building would need to be improved.

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