Austria Trend Hotel Europa i Wien

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ØstrigAustria Trend Hotel Europa



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Kärntner Straße 18, Eingang Neuer Markt 3, 1010 Wien, Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 1 51594
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.2062103, Longitude: 16.3710387

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ciprian Pietris


    Very good location for tourists, few steps away from Stephansplatz. Rooms are well equipped and good enough breakfast.

  • en

    Dragana Rasic


    Great position of the hotel,just near St. Stephan church and city center... Very kind people in the hotel... Breakfast very rich, fresh and good!

  • en

    Alon Axelrad


    Great hotel with superior location asnd unique welcoming staff. Great breakfest and service.

  • en

    Elena O


    Great location, the rooms are of a okei size with well-used furniture and the beds are so hard that you could as well sleep on the floor. We have another standard in Norway, even low-cost hotels, with 55 € for night, has a soft beds. Staff at front desk, with some few exceptions, are unfriendly and not helpfully. Last day of our stay when we where out and shop a gifts to family home in Norway, someone used a toilet at our room and a wall, sofa and towels as a toilet paper. May be it is a part of Austrian culture to go inside a customers room, borrow a toilet and use a furniture and walls as a toilet paper or it was a kind of gift from hotel stuff to the fast customers? Anyway, the hotel is cozy, with a great location to cafe, grocery store and long shopping street.

  • en

    Domenic Baczak


    Very modern and great style. I really like the executive rooms, renovated and very spacious. They have a great idea how to prepare and present their breakfast but as far as I know all austria trend hotels have refreshed the way to offer unique, local and organic products at the buffet. The hotel itself does not have a garage but the friendly hotel staff will help you with that, because you will need good suggestions, as it is a perfect location in Vienna, next to the shopping area.

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