Beverly Hills Club Vienna i Wien

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ØstrigBeverly Hills Club Vienna



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5, Seilerstätte, 1010, Wien, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 1 5131250
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.2055798, Longitude: 16.3758114

kommentar 5

  • León Amore

    León Amore


    Amazing Club. One of the best Entertainment Club Worldwide 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆

  • en



    There are so many things wrong with this club. It's in the first district so it's supposed to be the nicest but also the most expensive. It's only one of the two. 15 Euro entry - that's fine 16 Euro Jack and Coke - this is the weakest drink I have ever paid for besides a bottle of water. 7 girls working on a Friday night - to be fair, the girls do have surprisingly decent attitudes but the lack of options for the "best" club in town is disappointing. 3 poles - the stage is too large for the room. The seating arrangement only offers about 60% viewing. I'll never understand why these clubs have so many poles but they have 1 girl dance for 4-5 songs. To be more honest, it's not even a striptease. The girls walk up the stairs, get topless first thing and then wiggle in place near a pole for 10 minutes. 5's and 6's at best - walking through the streets of Vienna I was sincerely impressed with the beauty of the women. Obviously this should only be compounded in a gentlemen's club. No, just no. It's not the worst club I've ever seen, but it doesn't deserve any praise or adoration. The girls aren't pushy, which is the only reason it's not the worst. But, for the sheer lack of value it's a no in my book.

  • Heller Helseller

    Heller Helseller


    Vorraussetzung ist nicht sparen zu wollen. Dann hat man legendären Spaß!

  • de

    Iris Garbe


    The best Club!!! Wir hatten einen tollen Abend. Die Mädels und das Programm sind TOP! Der Service SUPER! Wir freuen uns schon auf den nächsten Besuch. Danke, Berverly Hills Team! Highly recommended!

  • Fabian Pomella

    Fabian Pomella


    Worst place ever, the girls want extra cash after you paid for the privat dance, there are no girls on the dancefloor, you can't exchange your strip-dollars, the staff is rude, they say they want to hit you when you say you want your money back and on and on...

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