Brothers' Barbershop i Wien

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ØstrigBrothers' Barbershop



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Neubaugasse 81, 1070 Wien, Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 1 9908304
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Latitude: 48.2060493, Longitude: 16.3491734

kommentar 5

  • Mirza Gazdic

    Mirza Gazdic


    Went there for the first time to try it out. Had my hair cut by Daniel (the best hairstylist I had till now), besides being really skillful this guy was extremely nice and friendly. He will listen to your opinion and give you a lot of tips. After some conversation he realized my hair does not need a lot of work so he only did the sides and a bit of work on the top, I though I will still have to pay 40 euros (since it was my first time and I did not know the policy of the shop), but they caught me by surprise and charged me only 22 euros. Here you dont just pay for the haircut you pay for professionalism, tips/opinions, experience and an adventure in a way. I will definitely come back and would recommend it to anybody who is thinking if its expensive or not (coming from a student who has 800 euro a month budget). Cheers

  • Gregor Plieschnig

    Gregor Plieschnig


    Friendly barbers, great atmosphere and lots of good, honest advice. I will definitely come back

  • Sebastian Hosu

    Sebastian Hosu


    Great barbers and great atmosphere! Classic rock, shabby chic interior, espresso or whiskey on the house, great councilling, high quality products. It's more than a haircut, it's an experience!

  • Victor Chirilas

    Victor Chirilas


    Walked in as we were visiting Vienna and didn't have an appointment. Luckily for me they had a cancellation which was great. Awesome service, awesome haircut and great cappuccino! Can't fault the place! Thank you and see you next time I'm in Vienna :)

  • en

    Louise Hay Audiobooks


    Really friendly staff, but horrible beard trim.. there are a bunch of young hair stylists but you really can't call this a barbershop.. the guy asked me what I wanted.. I told him that I'm growing my beard and I just want a slight clean up on the sides, and trim the strays.. he says no problem.. takes the machine and DESTROYS my beard .. you can see in the photo my before and after .. this set me back at least 3 months.. I have since ran into 3 other guys who also had the same horrible experience there ..never again! Maybe for a machine hair cut this place is good.. but if you value your beard, stay away from this place.

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