Center Wien Mitte i Vienna

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ØstrigCenter Wien Mitte


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🕗 åbningstider

1030 Vienna, Austria
kontakter telefon: +43
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.206391, Longitude: 16.3848921

kommentar 5

  • Tired Bicyclist

    Tired Bicyclist


    Important train station.

  • P Kaitz

    P Kaitz


    So here's the deal. I have to say that for me it was medicinal. I can go to sleep on coffee. Meth would slow me down. Is that right is that wrong? That's just a fact. Is it good or bad to use it? I'd like to say that if it doesn't cause another any harm, it's fine. The problem is this. To use it, you have to buy. Buying it entails the existence of a seller. Now you're contributing to some lack of order in society, and there are all kinds of ramifications. The social contract we're born into entails agreeing to abide by social norms. This is especially incontestable in a democracy, even indirect ones as prevail in the developed world. Even should a plurality of your fellow citizens who vote be conservative myopic bigots. I haven't voted since the Reagan-Carter contest, so I have little standing in the discussion. How to manage all this? Excellent question.

  • en



    Very nice place you have everything and all is familiar

  • barış tandoğan

    barış tandoğan


    From time to time extremely crowded. You will find everything you need here. Food, shopping, clothes, books etc. Connections to many transportation lines.

  • en

    Marie Glück


    Great place. All you need when you just arrived in a big city. 2 train options to connect to airport. A local option and a tourist train options plus taxi, Hilton, shops, restaurants of all kind. McCafe, Starbucks and more...

nærmeste Transit station

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