Cineplexx Linz i Linz

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ØstrigCineplexx Linz


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22, Prinz-Eugen-Straße, 4020, Linz, Linz, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 732 663030
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Latitude: 48.301281, Longitude: 14.3214259

kommentar 5

  • Alexandra Parraghy

    Alexandra Parraghy


    Nice first time visit with the little one. It was a blast for her. The movie theater was very clean. The snack selection was a little limited (only 🍿 and nachos but no chips)

  • en

    Katherine Munro


    All good, although the first 5 rows are a bit close to the screen (which isn't that clear from the seating plan when you buy the tickets)

  • en

    Parveen Basra


    I love cine plex as I go there every week.

  • Danielle Steiner

    Danielle Steiner


    Always a fun experience going to the Sneak Previews to see a mystery movie. The sound in the theaters is always good and it's a reasonable price.

  • Marsela Sardi

    Marsela Sardi


    Nice movie theater. Big rooms and high image and sound quality. The food is not the best, doesn't offer a variety of menus and popcorn aren't fresh.

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