Das Schindler i Innsbruck

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ØstrigDas Schindler



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31, Maria-Theresien Str., 6020, Innsbruck, Innsbruck, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 512 566969
internet side: www.dasschindler.at
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Latitude: 47.2655114, Longitude: 11.3945219

kommentar 5

  • en

    Gianni Ferrari


    we arrived at 13,30 we asked for the a la carte menu but we were told that it was not available so we were presented with a short list of available dishes, we choose a fillet stake a bottle of wine (good), the bill was a bit overpriced, we expected a bit more service from this restaurant.

  • en

    Lin M


    You clearly pay for the restaurant’s location. We are used to fine dining and it was not. All ingredients are fresh and local which is a good point, unfortunately there’s a big issue with seasoning : no salt or pepper in any of the dishes we ordered, everything was very bland. Sorbets were very good but that was the only part of the dessert we enjoyed : the apple cake strongly tasted like egg and the baba au rhum didn’t smell or taste like rhum, it was a simple cake. Waiters didn’t seem very knowledgeable as I asked for a local drink or alcohol and he offered me apero spritz which is Italian

  • Jacqueline Morgan

    Jacqueline Morgan


    the hostess wasn't the most welcoming. The food was okay, but was not worth the price. If you enjoy deer I would not recommend that dish. The vegetarian dish (Chervil roots) and the duck (may be a special) were good. Ambiance was very cozy and nice.

  • Lukas Renggli

    Lukas Renggli


    Good food and friendly service. A bit on the expensive side, particularly the hefty service charges.

  • Danny Hsu

    Danny Hsu


    Fantastic restaurant with excellent service. From entree to dessert, I thoroughly enjoyed every dish. And the service...impeccable. Highly recommended as a place for fine dining!!!

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