El Asador i Wien

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ØstrigEl Asador



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3, Radetzkystraße, 1030, Wien, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 1 9920000
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Latitude: 48.2112447, Longitude: 16.3872482

kommentar 5

  • en

    Marco Aurelio Navarro Roux


    Good Argentinian restaurant. I love the alfajores.

  • en

    Diana Camerini


    It took 1h 50 min from the moment of the order to get the first round of starters (just 2 plates of cheese, for which the cutting should take no more than 10 mins). After 1.5 hours we have asked some bread because we were starving, and it took again more than 10 minutes to receive few slices. A number of plates in the menu were not available and for some hamburger the original cheese have been replaced with the (Argentinian?) halloumi. The prices are certainly not in line with the quality of food and the service. The final 2 round or free Tequila were certainly not sufficient to regain decent amount of scores in reputation.

  • Graciela Santana Sosa

    Graciela Santana Sosa


    It was simply not good... the gastgarden is also not inviting at all

  • Kapi 1

    Kapi 1


    Great meal for a reasonable price, large parking garage right near by

  • Julian Mauricio Angel

    Julian Mauricio Angel


    The food is excelent, if anyone goes there he/she should try empanadas argentinas! Site note, south america has different types of empanadas, so if you have tried in other latin america country, it could happen that are not the same. The place is cozy. Although the waiters are gentle, the service need to be improved and pay attention to the customer.

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