Gasthof Innbrücke i Innsbruck

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ØstrigGasthof Innbrücke


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1, Innstraße, 6020, Innsbruck, Innsbruck, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 512 281934
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Latitude: 47.2691024, Longitude: 11.3899458

kommentar 5

  • Huafeng Lu

    Huafeng Lu


    Super nice location! easy to old town, mountain, and cinema ! clean and secure room.though the breakfast is a bit poor for the eggs when i asked, the answer is we never had one ... (°ー°〃)

  • en

    Bryn Thomas


    Incredible, comfortable bed. Very clean hotel.

  • en

    Sean Higgins


    Great location. We had lovely view from our room over river. Good value overall.

  • en

    Petr Seda


    It was my worst experience ever. I left my luggage including a bag with my laptop at the reception after check-out (9:25AM). I ask lady at the reception whether I can do it or not. She told me: yes, of course, you can put it here (under staircase). This place was located 2.5. meters from reception, just in front of the reception. I added my luggage next to other belongings under staircase. When I came back to pick up my luggage (4:25PM), my bag with laptop was missing. The staff was not able to find my bag with laptop so that I called Austrian Police. They were not able to help me as well. At the end the staff told me that they are not responsible for guests´ luggage after check-out!!! I didn´t get any compensation from the management at all!! Their attitude was simply very disobliging. I think that staff should be responsible for guest luggage after check-out if you ask whether you can leave it or not, and the answer is positive. In my opinion, the staff didn´t do their job properly since the reception was in most cases empty so that nobody was taking care about luggage of their guests!!! This was Austrian hospitality in practice. I lost my computer for at least 500 EUR. If you don´t want to lose your valuables, definitely avoid this guesthouse!!! They just need your money. However, responsibility is unknown word for them. Never more!!! This true story happened on the 1st of July 2016.

  • en

    David Cox


    Whole hotel smelled of smoke from bar on first floor. Wifi only worked on first and second floor. Breakfast was good. The electrical sockets went out during our stay. Great location along river park and right across river from center of old town Innsbruck. Don't know if you can get that close to historic district for that price anywhere else.

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