Golden Roof i Innsbruck

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ØstrigGolden Roof



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15, Herzog-Friedrich-Straße, 6020, Innsbruck, Innsbruck, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 512 53601441
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.2686596, Longitude: 11.3932778

kommentar 5

  • en

    Celeste Ruppelt


    There is a love story in the history of this Golden Roof. It was completed in 1500 and decorated with over 2600 fire glazed gilded copper tiles, giving it its golden color. Emperor Maximilian I commissioned it to mark his wedding to Bianca Maria Sforza of Milan, his second wife. The Emperor and his wife Bianca used the balcony to observe festivals, tournaments, and other events that took place in the square below. It served as a royal box seat to the events below. And there is significance in the paintings and decorations on the side walls and the inside back, which preserve some of the 'court arrangements' he established during his first marriage. The building now houses the International Alpine Convention's Office, and a museum describing some of the history from Emperor Maximilian I's time. You can see it from the street and read about it elsewhere.

  • Yudanto Wibowo

    Yudanto Wibowo


    A nice walking through the oldtown.. nearby there's a lot of good restaurants, stores and cafes

  • en

    Ana müller


    The Museum is nice. It was smaller than i imagined. You get an audio guide which explains everything. The audio guides are available in diffrent languages.

  • en

    Michael G


    It's a roof... It is better to go when there's something going on like the Christmas Market or the Eastern Market or many other events or markets. Be Old Town section of Innsbruck is great to walk around in

  • Ben Jacobs

    Ben Jacobs


    It's definitely interesting but I think there are better things to see in Innsbruck. Still worth having a look as it's fairly central. The museum is based around an audio guide provided in several languages. Some interesting history of Innsbruck though perhaps a little slow for me (I prefer signs to read then people can go at their own pace - there were signs too with some information on).

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