Heldenplatz i Wien

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Heldenplatz, 1010, Wien, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43
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Latitude: 48.2063576, Longitude: 16.3631746

kommentar 5

  • Swetha G

    Swetha G


    It's worth to visit the castle n garden. Climb up to the small hill in the garden to enjoy the view of the city.

  • Jonathan Eyestone

    Jonathan Eyestone


    Incredible, even in the rain it was amazing to see. Take your time there is a lot to explore.

  • Mohit Singh

    Mohit Singh


    Heldenplatz is a public space in front of the Hofburg Palace in Vienna, Austria. Located in the Innere Stadt borough, the President of Austria resides in the adjoining Hofburg wing, while the Federal Chancellery is on adjacent Ballhausplatz. Many important actions and events took place here, most notably Adolf Hitler's ceremonial announcement of the Austrian Anschluss to Nazi Germany on 15 March 1938.

  • Vivek Shukla

    Vivek Shukla


    Nice place , must watch with one the best place in Vienna. Invert your time wisely but it is also one of thing to do.

  • DarkKitarist



    It's one of those really beautiful places akin to Schönbrunn, but with the bustle of the city right in the middle of it, because the Palace place has car access so cars drive around you, and to me that's not a bad thing, because it gives you the feeling this isn't just a Museum but a living and breathing place. Definitely worth a visit, especially since it's so close to the Museums which you also should absolutely visit!

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