Hotel Central i Innsbruck

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ØstrigHotel Central


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5, Gilmstraße, 6020, Innsbruck, Innsbruck, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 512 5920
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.26591, Longitude: 11.3961563

kommentar 5

  • Simple Pixel

    Simple Pixel


    Huge breakfast. Clean hotel. Central as location. Huge rooms. Bathroom very big and very clean.

  • en

    תמיר שריקי


    It was nice, the rooms floor was dirty, but overall nice

  • en

    Sharli Patel


    Location is great, closer to the train station and the middle of Innsbruck. The staff are super friendly. Breakfast is very well done and they even have a juicer to make your own juice which is a crowd favorite. Clean, comfy beds, spacious.

  • en

    Kevin Nordås


    Very nice hotel in the heart of Innsbruck. Very friendly and customer-oriented personnel, even when booking late in the evening. We struggled with finding a parking spot, as we had to go underground a couple of blocks away. The staff was very helpful and pulled out a paper to draw a quick map of where we should drive to reach the enterance to the underground car park. He even offered to go with us. Rooms are excellent, spacious with a tall ceiling height. Windows can be opened, which is always nice.

  • Sean Ward

    Sean Ward


    A very nice hotel. I made a last minute booking and they were very helpful. Spacious and work the price during the off season. The breakfast was great, though the staff was over eager to clean. I had left my 3/4 full coffee to save my seat as I went back for a yogurt parfait. When I got back my coffee was gone. My only complaint.

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