Hotel Gruberhof Igls-Innsbruck i Innsbruck

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ØstrigHotel Gruberhof Igls-Innsbruck



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12, Heiligwasserweg, 6080, Innsbruck, Innsbruck, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 512 377142
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.228173, Longitude: 11.415523

kommentar 5

  • Drew Ducros

    Drew Ducros


    Hotel Gruberhof was a nice stop for us. The hotel is located just up the street (short walking distance) from the bus stop that takes you into Innsbruck. The staff were super friendly and informative. We had a minor mixup with our reservation when we arrived. We didn't ask for anything other than what we requested but they upgraded our room and really went above and beyond. Their breakfast buffet is huge and everything on it was delicious and fresh. There is a nice little artificial lake just outside the restaurant. The hotel has some really great views of the mountains. I would stay here again.

  • Pål Espen Johannessen

    Pål Espen Johannessen


    Very helpful staff. Lovely artificial lake. Great placement near cable car to the mountain.

  • Louise Webb

    Louise Webb


    Great hotel. The rooms are good, beds are comfy too! The bar staff are great

  • Giuseppe Giammarino

    Giuseppe Giammarino


    Well clean and tidy room, very good breakfast. We had a very good time at Gruberhof. I hope to come here again

  • Jennifer Brandabur

    Jennifer Brandabur


    This is such a comfortable, friendly and convenient place to stay! We just loved it. As a family of 5, we can't always find a good place. This was great- -5 minutes walking distance to the cafés, restaurants, bus-line, trams, gondola and even the tourist information office. We had two rooms next to one another, with a shared balcony. The staff was extraordinarily friendly and helpful. The food was also delicious.

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