L E B E N B A U E R i Wien

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ØstrigL E B E N B A U E R



🕗 åbningstider

3, Teinfaltstraße, 1010, Wien, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 1 5335556
internet side: www.lebenbauer.eu
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Latitude: 48.2118535, Longitude: 16.3637684

kommentar 5

  • en

    Phillip Mckenna


    Lovely staff, great atmosphere seems excellently managed

  • Adele Reinhartz

    Adele Reinhartz


    We had a delicious meal in elegant yet comfortable surroundings. The service was excellent. Highly recommended!

  • en

    Ana Gome


    Excellent place, I don't like vegetables and here I ate them all they were delicious. Service was amazing a totally will come back! Ah and very good prices too!

  • en

    Vinay Dalal


    Many many thanks to Karl and Elfriede! The food was yummy 😋 beyond doubt. Here, I would also like to share a story of their kindness and compassion. My family and I were in Vienna for New Years. It was New Year's Eve, we had arrived in Vienna a day before and were not very familiar with the city and restaurants yet. I am vegetarian and gluten free, and we were looking for a place to eat, little did we know that if you don't have reservations on New Years Eve, it may be hard to find a table for five. We waked by their restaurant and I was happy to see vegetarian and gluten free, ( I was starving as we had walked over 7-8 miles that day). Anyways, we walked in but unfortunately they were full and couldn't accommodate five people. They were very sorry! I was sad and hungry , but I asked Karl can I have take out instead. He was very kind and said sure!! I was so happy 😁 and relieved! I could see they were very busy, all tables were full. Anyways, I waited patiently and he got me a gluten free snack ( cracker with a spread), it was yummy!! Then he brought my food in a bag, soup and vegs with risotto and told me happy new year!! I asked him how much I owe, he said nothing, enjoy your meal and happy new year!! He was so kind and compassionate, I can never forget. We chatted briefly, I thanked him again and said we will visit again. I went back with my family but the restaurant was closed for a week, and we had to leave Vienna before that. This whole experience and the act of kindness from a stranger is what I kept on remembering. We enjoyed our stay in Vienna and met many nice people. I love ❤️ Vienna and the people there and would definitely go back, and hopefully will be able to eat at their restaurant!! I wanted to share my experience and thank Lebenbauer's again ! One of the best New Years I had!!👍🏻👍🏻 This world is still full of kindest people, happy new year all!! If you go to Vienna, try to eat here if you can!! Best wishes!!

  • en

    Roland Kurath


    Excellent food, professional and friendly service. Would go there again, happily

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