Landhof Simeter i Spittal an der Drau

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ØstrigLandhof Simeter


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1, Sankt Sigmund, 9800, Spittal an der Drau, Gemeinde Mallnitz, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 4762 4752
internet side:
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Latitude: 46.8037182, Longitude: 13.5069145

kommentar 5

  • de

    Jane Bartlmä


    Ausgezeichnete Küche, breite Auswahl an Gerichten, nette und sehr entgegenkommende Bedienung. Schöne und ruhige Gegend. Kann ich nur empfehlen.

  • en

    Olena Liskonog


    Very nice place, comfortable and clean room, friendly staff.

  • Ann Dean

    Ann Dean


    A beautiful, peaceful setting in the mountains above the town. We sat watching paragliders drifting down from the mountain top, seated on chairs in the shade of a grand tree in the courtyard. The daily menu meal was generous portions and delicious. The family room was actually two adjoining bedrooms. The beds were comfortable and we all slept well.

  • Paul Dean

    Paul Dean


    A very comfortable place, with a lovely outdoor area for drinks and a good place for children to play, with a trampoline etc. We ate the standard menu and really enjoyed it. It is a friendly atmosphere with good facilities and views. We regretted that we had only scheduled one day there.

  • John Fitzwater

    John Fitzwater


    Great value & a nice place, friendly staff, good food, clean, tidy, nice facilities - sauna, drying room for wet gear etc. . Though the road to the hotel is narrow and steep, it's worth the adventure, and there's no need to go back into Spittal/Drau for dinner.

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