Munding i Innsbruck

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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16, Kiebachgasse, 6020, Innsbruck, Innsbruck, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 512 584118
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Latitude: 47.2671485, Longitude: 11.3926838

kommentar 5

  • ihsani Arda

    ihsani Arda


    Am liebsten würden wir Null Sterne vergeben, so schlecht ist der Service. Haben dem Café Munding eine zweite Chance gegeben, nachdem beim ersten Besuch ein langes Haar in der Torte war. Leider wurden wir auch dieses Mal durch dreckige Gläser und Tassen enttäuscht. Wie kommen nie wieder!!! 👎

  • de



    Kaffee und Kuchen sind empfehlenswert. Allerdings war es sehr voll, dadurch keine gute Atmosphäre und die Kellner waren gestresst und unfreundlich.

  • Zhanka Makademia

    Zhanka Makademia


    Not many selection of cakes but they also have variety of chocolate and biscuits. Big variety of coffee and they are served with a glass of water. I had high expectations for cakes after reading all the reviews and recommendations. The waiter was very polite but he was busy running around serving 5-6 tables so we had to wait before we could catch him with a bill. I would come back and try cookies.

  • Enrique Giner

    Enrique Giner


    Very cozy cafe with a classic ambience. Friendly waitresses and very tasty cakes. They have 5 different menus for breakfast but unfortunately the menu is available only in German, in any case, the staff speaks English and can help. We recommend the simple breakfast and a piece of cake

  • en

    Leica Gal


    Oldest cafe in Innsbruck and it’s decor is definitely very classic. The cakes are pretty and nice, but the soup is just average. Service is good and the place is often crowded. Worth a visit for coffee as it has a very impressive menu. We also liked their hot chocolate.

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