Phoenix Park Bowling Hernals i Wien

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ØstrigPhoenix Park Bowling Hernals



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107, Schumanngasse, 1170, Wien, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 1 4864361
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Latitude: 48.2258949, Longitude: 16.3270301

kommentar 5

  • Andreas Hoyer

    Andreas Hoyer


    The condition of the lanes was good, the machines were of older make but well kept. A helpful feature of this bowling hall is the pro shop which opens later in the day and is opened in the evening. Although the service is good as is the beer, I do recommend to eat before your visit, if you can. The food here is rather an emergency solution. Poor selection of foods like sausages and fries and things like that. The area where food is served is also not very inviting. On busy nights like Friday or Saturday, a reservation is advisable.

  • en

    Mike D


    Had to move to another lane 2 times (14-12-13) because of technical defects ...lot of time wasted and no compensation offered ...

  • Stefan Hosemann

    Stefan Hosemann


    A very good and nice bowling alley. Not too expensive, they've got rates for families from Friday to Sunday until 2pm, which is nice. Shoes can be borrowed as well. Good drinks (coffee, beer, Softdrinks) and even snacks are available. They have billard-tables and some old-school video game machines as well as air hockey tables. Very clean and friendly staff.

  • Ssozi Kimanje

    Ssozi Kimanje


    Great place to do bowling and relax. Nice disco music.

  • en

    Olga Schykotovska


    Terrible service. I orderded a Megaparty for my son in advance. It was his birthday. There were no promised decorations and most terrible, no FOOD, because I had six hungry kids. The Megaparty package includes food which I ordered a week before. The most unbelievable that they charged me for the whole package and took advantage of my weak german. This was not the first time I faced bad service in this place. But this was just unbelievable. They could ruin the whole birthday of my son and 3 gutscheins can't fix my frustration.

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