Pnyka Griechische Bäckerei i Wien

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ØstrigPnyka Griechische Bäckerei



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3, Landskrongasse, 1010, Wien, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 1 3470737
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Latitude: 48.2104128, Longitude: 16.3722642

kommentar 5

  • en

    gregory skaltsas


    Nice place with a good selection of quality sweets and other Greek products including the pnyka branded honey. Friendly people will help you choose some sweets explaining the exotic terms that greek people use such as "bugatsa" and "kritsinia" with the right accent and other terms that can be traced back to the first Hellenic dialects first seen in pre-Homeric poetry (not really). Pitty that in so many years they still haven't managed to accept card payments (as of 24-03-2018). It's just a bit annoying having to get cash just to visit them. Even in Greece (a little nice place you should visit at least once in your life) a lot of shops accept cards these days. Five stars if they fix the payment methods!

  • en

    Stefanos Chatz


    Very nice Greek bakery in the heart of Vienna.All of their products are very tasty (try to taste their bougatsa) and the stuff is very friendly.

  • Dimitris Varelas

    Dimitris Varelas


    Espresso freddo, bougatsa, spanakopita etc. What else could you ask for?

  • en

    Greg Deeds


    The most tasty place in Vienna!! Traditional, gourmet, everything you need in order to taste Greece!!!

  • Martin Petrov

    Martin Petrov


    A real Greek bakery where we found many of the things we like so much when going on holiday in Greece - filo-pastries, simple crumbly biscuits and savory crackers-of-sort with olives or spinach. Anyone looking for a real piece of Greek food will find it here. The staff (or owners) were really nice and patient, explained everything we wanted to know about the different items. They were Greek and so were most of the customers who walked in during our visit. Authentic!

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