Polizeiinspektion St. Pölten - Traisenpark i Sankt Pölten

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ØstrigPolizeiinspektion St. Pölten - Traisenpark


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9, Doktor-Adolf-Schärf-Straße, 3107, Sankt Pölten, Sankt Pölten, AT Österreich
kontakter telefon: +43 59 1333 192100
internet side: www.polizei.gv.at
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.2226034, Longitude: 15.6388547

kommentar 5

  • Alexander Matzi

    Alexander Matzi


  • de

    Bekim Azemovski


    Blöd reden und dir Leute anschreien ich habe gedacht er schlägt mich gleich. Ich bin 50 gefahren und Blinker vergessen bei McDonald's.

  • de



  • en

    Moe Amanzadeh


    Police was absoulutley unprofessional. We were at the park on Friday night in a family gathering and they came with the lights tp ur faces, very rodely told us to leave. When we asked them give us time to pack, the officer said I don't care, just leave fast. The same officer called my Austrian non-white cousine a dirty foreigner and pushed him. When I asked them why do u racially abuse others, they didn't reply and said they wil write a report. Police denied to show me their credentials and their names, after I asked them for it, so I can complain. The pilice officers were too Nervous due to some teenagers having a fight and couldnot handle themselves. So sad to see such an unprofessional officers in Austria. An Australian Visitor....

  • Christoph Adl

    Christoph Adl


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