Ristorante il Cavallino Baden i Baden

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ØstrigRistorante il Cavallino Baden



🕗 åbningstider

16, Wassergasse, 2500, Baden, Baden, AT Ausztria
kontakter telefon: +43 2252 254549
internet side: www.ilcavallino.at
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.0059305, Longitude: 16.2361404

kommentar 5

  • Zoltan Luttenberger

    Zoltan Luttenberger


    Nice trattoria good choice of good food friendly staff. Recommended.

  • Катерина Авраменко

    Катерина Авраменко


    I like this place very much! 👍❤Comfortable and cosy. Pizza is tasty. Restaurant staff is very friendly and nice.

  • Martin Johnson

    Martin Johnson


    Not overcrowded, one of Baden's best kept secrets, food was excellent owners/chef really helpful an knowledgeable. on one visit a new supply of fresh seafood was delivered, the chef even made meals that were not strictly on the menu as we asked for a dish using a mixture of the seafood, would highly recommend checking the place out if you are in Baden

  • Patricia Paz

    Patricia Paz


    We went there for New Year's dinner. We had a great, unforgettable time. We went for the fixed NYE menu. There was an item on the menu that I couldn't have, they were so nice, they were able to provide an alternative. So, of course, I thought the service was awesome! The food was delicious. We arrived about 6:30pm. They timed the courses in such way that we spent 5 hours at the restaurant (just in time to go for the traditional New Year's Waltz and fireworks by the Casino) and we never felt it. It was an excellent experience.

  • de

    Brigitte Loderer


    Schade, dass es nur 5 Strenge zu vergeben gibt. Dieses Lokal hätte noch mehr verdient! Das Essen ist ausgezeichnet, hervorragend! Die gegrillten Tintenfische waren besser als in Italien und wir sind oft unten... Der Kellner (oder Chef?) hat uns bedient, als ob wir die einzigen Gäste wären, ist auf Späße eingegangen. Ganz toll! Mitunter zur Zeit wahrscheinlich eines (wenn nicht sogar DAS) beste Lokal in Baden.

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