Romantik Hotel Post i Villach

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ØstrigRomantik Hotel Post


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26, Hauptplatz, 9500, Villach, Villach, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 4242 261010
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Latitude: 46.6137651, Longitude: 13.846194

kommentar 5

  • Hans Deschberger

    Hans Deschberger


    I’ve been here several times and had always a very good experience in any way, but this time I’m more than disappointed. The room I’ve got this time is equipped with a tiny shower and here they’ve installed the fixed, not adjustable shower so close to the wall that you can only shower half. Besides of that the lower shower part falls apart while taking a shower. The room isn’t spacious, soft double single bed and a tiny flat TV. The hotel staff is friendly and helpful. The restaurant is a Desaster! I’ve eaten here many times, but today (1st of May 2018) noon time it was terrible. The asparagus cream soup was watery and the beef goulash was tasteless with warmed up dumplings. How can you ever get a gault millau rating with such bad pitch performance. Also the waiters were kind of overloaded and not organized or attending. It’s the last time I ate there. Villach aus many other better restaurants as the villacher Brau Gasthof, stadtwirt Kramer and others... Sorry to say that, but I regret that I’ve already booked and pre-payed several nights there... I hope the hotel and restaurant will work on their standard and improve it ASAP. Otherwise they won’t survive with such high prices...

  • Bernd Klein

    Bernd Klein


    A charming hotel with an extremely friendly staff! Ancient building like a small castle, but warm and cozy :-)

  • en

    Celeste Ruppelt


    The Romantik Hotel Post has a long and storied history, dating from 1500, when it was a palace for a distinguished family of [the State of] Carinthia’s nobility. Since 1748, it has always been a guesthouse or hotel, providing a gracious place of rest for travelers ranging from politics, royalty, and names from the film, music, and theater industries. The term ’Post’ refers to ‘billeting’, as in housing the military, which it has also done. When I asked about the history of the hotel, the very young person at the front desk, told me it had once been a ‘Post’ Office. It was elegant in a sort of aging way. Our room did not live up to any of advertised descriptions; it was old, cramped, hot, and without air conditioning. There was breakfast in the morning in a separate area, from any other hotel guests. It was heavy on the breads. Architectually, it had lots of interesting nooks and crannies, and uneven floors, a step up or down here and there, indicating adding on. There was a lovely outside garden area to enjoy coffee or an outside dinner, as well as street side dining.

  • Robin Astle

    Robin Astle


    The place is historic, our room was clean but outdated. During our dinner on the terras outside we spotted several rats which was quite concerning.

  • Marcella Schulting

    Marcella Schulting


    Splendid dinner, great service. A bit fancy for what I expected, but still had a great experience. Dinner was quite formal but the meals were original and with a lot of enthusiasm prepared eventhough it was not that expensive. 9/10

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