Schnell GmbH i Feldkirch

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ØstrigSchnell GmbH



🕗 åbningstider

44, Egetenweg, 6800, Feldkirch, Feldkirch, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 5522 73333
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.266559, Longitude: 9.604262

kommentar 5

  • HalCal HD

    HalCal HD


    Sehr gut, guter Service, nettes Service.

  • de

    Karin Ender


    Freundliche zuvorkommende Bedienung, rei chhaltiges Frühstück zu fairem Preis. Wir kommen wieder!

  • Adi Rohrer

    Adi Rohrer


    Sehr gutes Café. Die schlechten Beurteilungen sind total unbegründet. Wer etwas anderes möchte muss in das McCafe.

  • Graham Barry

    Graham Barry


    The personal and extremely attentive service is, for me, what sets Schnell apart. This is the sort of place where the lady behind the counter notices that we are out cycling on a hot day and insists on refilling our water bottles with ice cold water before we go. In general Schnell seems much more customer-focussed than other local bakery chains: as mentioned, the service is far warmer and the opening hours are longer (all day Sunday!). That the company seems to genuinely value your custom is also seen in the quality of the products: the bread stays fresh a day longer and the cakes don't skimp on the expensive ingredients. They even still put a splash of rum in the Nussbeugel. Going to Schnell always feels like a treat, no matter how often we go.

  • es

    Luis Felipe Gonzalez Margozzini


    La Mejor pastelería y panaderia de Feldkirch, muy buenos productos!

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