Sixt i Innsbruck

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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180, Fürstenweg, 6020, Innsbruck, Innsbruck, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 810 977424
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.2568677, Longitude: 11.3512212

kommentar 5

  • de

    Alexander Strasshofer


    Alles bestens

  • Max Hofer

    Max Hofer


    Very flexible and friendly staff. Had booked a station wagon online but turned out far too small for our family. The staff reacted professionally and friendly and helped us out with a substantially better model. Thanks again to the team and Mochatina specifically.

  • Eduardo Gasparrini

    Eduardo Gasparrini


    Tive problemas com o carro alugado (em Munique) e foi resolvido de forma rápida e fácil pelo pessoal se innsbruck, me dando outro carro. Obrigado!

  • en

    tony moss


    I run a business in London and would never treat a customer this way. It never mentioned that it was a special rate at the time of booking or in the confirmation. They literally made me wait at the counter from 11 until 12 before giving me the key even though the car was there and ready. There was no benefit of this to SixT in terms of profit or commerciality; to the contrary they just succeeded in ensuring that I wouldn't use Sixt again. I had even emailed on my booking that I would be a bit early with no reply. If it had warned me that this was a special weekend price only valid from midday I would understand but to make me wait an hour was futile and pathetic. I don't know if you've seen "Little Britain" and the sketch "Computer Says NO" but this was the epitome of that and I trust the team at Innsbruk feel empowered.

  • de

    Sepp Geiger


    Nach 45 Minuten Wartezeit am Samstag Abend konnten wir doch noch ein Fahrzeug in Empfang nehmen. Personal war freundlich und hat uns das passende Auto vermietet.

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