Swarovski Kristallwelten i Wien

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ØstrigSwarovski Kristallwelten



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24, Kärtner Straße, 1010, Wien, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 1 3240000
internet side: www.swarovski.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.2054435, Longitude: 16.3709783

kommentar 5

  • Ken Sutton

    Ken Sutton


    The store is immaculate and beautiful, the retail workers were friendly and helpful. Really enjoyed our visit.

  • Gabor Weiner

    Gabor Weiner


    This is one of the favorite Shopping locations for foreigners, especially Asians. I found the staff very polite and helpful. Most languages used by tourists are spoken, including Chinese The shop offers a very wide selection, is well organized and offers a rest room on the basement level.

  • en

    Eva Santos


    Biggest Swarovski store I've visited. It has three storeys with Swarovski items. On the lowest storey there is also an exposition of items wore in several occasions like the Oscar's. There are only a lot of limited edition items. Surely a place to visit in Wien.

  • en

    Celeste Ruppelt


    When one comes to Vienna a visit to Swarovski's has to be on the To-Do List. So we found this store and spent some time just looking around. I did end up buying something, which was the point, but just to visit the store was an attraction in itself. Swarovski's spends time making the store inviting to shows off many of it's treasures. The restrooms on the lower level were also well-maintained and it was a pleasure to find them and to see that they did not charge. The sales assistants spoke English and were easy to understand, but the one that assisted me was rude and rushed, almost like she had a quota to make and I was wasting her time. I enjoyed the store but not this assistant.

  • Fernando Moreno

    Fernando Moreno


    Sin lugar a dudas es la mejor tienda Swarovski que he visto nunca. Undoubtedly, it is the best Swarovski store I have ever seen. 間違いなく、それは私が今まで見た中で最高のスワロフスキーショップです。 Zweifellos ist es der beste Swarovski-Laden, den ich je gesehen habe. 毫无疑问,这是我见过的最好的施华洛世奇店。 Sans aucun doute, c'est le meilleur magasin Swarovski que j'ai jamais vu. Sem dúvida, é a melhor loja de Swarovski que já vi. مما لا شك فيه، هو أفضل متجر سواروفسكي لقد رأيت من أي وقت مضى.

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