Bettel-Alm am Lugeck i Wien

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ØstrigBettel-Alm am Lugeck



🕗 åbningstider

2, Sonnenfelsgasse, 1010, Wien, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 664 88361711
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.2096442, Longitude: 16.3753688

kommentar 5

  • Desislava Atanasova

    Desislava Atanasova


    Very nice place for drink and dance!

  • Marta S

    Marta S


    Very questionable entrance/ door policy. As foreigners we felt mistreated and humiliated. Racial segregation should be no longer a case in such modern city like Vienna in the XXI century. AVOID. AVOID. AVOID.

  • dancing style amusement

    dancing style amusement


    Kinda fancy club, like the Monday affair even the most, waiter and waitress are great. Monday: Go go dancer and r&b hip hop music, nice dance floor, half price drinks before midnight. Well I like it sometimes

  • jordi f

    jordi f


    I was disapointed. we got recommended to come to this place, we were well dressed and willing to spend good money. the security guard didnt let us in (too full) after us came a group of guys , and they manage to go in... I asked to security why they manage to go in and the answer was: "they come every weekend".... am I not welcome? it seems they dont want to make business. very very disappointed.

  • J J

    J J


    Awsome Austrian Sk Après-Ski Lederhosen Bar. Dancing and Music from the country side and then they all suddenly yelled "Uh-Ah". Party through the night. Real good service.

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