Bistro´s Bed & Breakfast i Innsbruck

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ØstrigBistro´s Bed & Breakfast


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2, Pradler Straße, 6020, Innsbruck, Innsbruck, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 512 346319
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Latitude: 47.2691422, Longitude: 11.4075845

kommentar 5

  • en

    ye du


    Good environment in the neighbor, good breakfast service, just the old building doesn’t have lift, but not a big problem

  • en

    Adina Ciobotea


    Good price quality. Very good breakfast and stunning mountains view from the room. The staff was very welcoming.

  • Marco Piccinini

    Marco Piccinini


    Not the best but worth it

  • Shyamal Mondal

    Shyamal Mondal


    The location of the hotel is very good. The rooms are OK and the breakfast is very good. But the building is very old, not well decorated.

  • Joe De Los Santos

    Joe De Los Santos


    I stayed here in 1990 and then again 25 years later with my family. I was very pleased each time. The rooms were quaint but the views on the north side facing the river and mountains are spectacular. The rooms were clean and had small bathrooms, but much better than in 1990 were you had to share a community bath in the hallway. The management was fantastic, very nice and accommodating. We really enjoyed the traditional European breakfast with breads, meats and cheeses. The prices were reasonable and getting around town from the hotel was easy. I would certainly stay here again and hope to do so in the next year or so.

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