Hotel Grand Ferdinand Vienna i Wien

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ØstrigHotel Grand Ferdinand Vienna



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10-12, Schubertring, 1010, Wien, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 1 91880
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.202242, Longitude: 16.3749339

kommentar 5

  • Edward Earle

    Edward Earle


    Stylish and relaxed hotel. Smallish rooms but very comfortable (The lighting in the room had some very strange wiring though). The staff were very friendly and really helpful. We enjoyed our breakfast a lot, although it's perhaps a little pricey. Swimming in the rooftop pool was brilliant, albeit very cold (it's heated but it was about 1 degree outside so not surprising) followed by some great, not overpriced cocktails in the bar. Location is great too. All in all I'd recommend!!

  • Mila Kovalchuk-Lehtimäki

    Mila Kovalchuk-Lehtimäki


    Beautiful stylish hotel not far from the old town. Our room was small but cozy and comfortable. I can recommend a top floor bar for evening drinks in a relaxing atmosphere: prices are reasonale and view from a roof terrace is quite lovely. Everyone was nice and friendly to us and especially to our small doggy =) We had an amazing experience in this hotel!

  • en

    Pat Mastelotto


    Love this hotel!👍🏻👍🏻I stay in hundred or more hotels every year and this was my first stay here - LOVED the vibe. Dark and cozy/ clean and fresh. Pleasant staff. I hope to return -

  • Peter Smith

    Peter Smith


    Good quality hotel. Comfortable rooms. Restaurants are good plus. Reception is great.

  • Ariel Chiu

    Ariel Chiu


    Amazing stay! Beautiful and stylishly decorated hotel that is central in Vienna. Staff were warm and friendly. We mailed a credit card here in advance, and they had it at front desk upon our arrival. A previous hotel (Esplanade Zagreb) had ruined a white shirt of mine by bleaching it and turning it brown, and somehow, Grand Ferdinand miraculously made it white again! The private dining area on the top floor is beautiful with a small pool and lounging area, and the enormous breakfast spread is such a treat there every morning! Would highly recommend, and we cannot wait to return!

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