Hotel NH Wien Belvedere i Wien

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ØstrigHotel NH Wien Belvedere



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12A, Rennweg, 1030, Wien, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 1 20611
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.1955143, Longitude: 16.3834988

kommentar 5

  • de

    Urs Flachsmann


    Einfach, schlicht, elegant eingerichtet. Zimmer angenehm gross. Mit Tram und S-Bahn gut erschlossen.

  • pt

    Debora Grillo


    Cama confortável. Hotel sem estacionamento. Funcionárias não muito simpáticas. Faltou no quarto algumas facilidades.

  • fr

    Louise Boudeau


    Très bel hôtel, bien situé, bien équipé. Le seul bémol est que nous avions vu sur la route et non sur la jardin et donc le bruit du tram et des voitures était plutôt dérangeant

  • iw

    יפה קבריטי


    מלון די מרכזי כ 15 עד 20 דק' הליכה ממרכז העיר העתיקה חדרים שפונים לרחוב שומעים את רעש הכביש חשמליות וכו' למרות חלונות כפולים חדרים פנמיים ממש שקטים ללא נוף כלל. חדרים נקיים ומרווחים מיטות נוחות מאד צוות אדיב ומסייע בכל שאלה ופניה. סה"כ חוויה ממש טובה מהמלון אוכל לא לקחנו קצת יקר כ 20 יורו לאדם ארוחת בוקר.

  • en

    N Pearce


    Stayed here for a couple of nights in January and would recommend this hotel. Checking-in was quick and easy and the room itself was large and clean (and warm!). The bed was comfy and the room also had a decent view compared to some others I've stayed in. There was also a fairly large safe in the wardrobe that was free to use. We couldn't hear any noise from the other rooms and our stay was peaceful. There's free water in the foyer, along with some sweets and biscuits. So why four stars and not five? Well, there were no free tea or coffee making facilities in the room (though there is a mini bar if you don't mind paying). Also, while we didn't mind the location being a little way away from the busier, more central areas of Vienna, some people might. This hotel isn't slap bang in the centre of the city. But it was a pleasant place to stay and you could do much worse!

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