PARÉMI Boulangerie – Pâtisserie i Wien

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ØstrigPARÉMI Boulangerie – Pâtisserie



🕗 åbningstider

10, Bäckerstraße, 1010, Wien, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 1 9974148
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Latitude: 48.209045, Longitude: 16.376052

kommentar 5

  • Bjorn Lomborg

    Bjorn Lomborg


    Great food, quick service. Loved the strawberry granola.

  • en

    Monica Christano


    Wow, crazy good Pastrys and Bread. I had the feeling to be back in France when i tasted the Baguette! I was informed that everything is freshly made in the Kitchen, and they never use additives in their products ! This is really rare in Vienna. Tranks! I will come again and again... and again.. :) for sure..!

  • en

    Sery Kim


    Best croissants ever in my life! Their pastries are the amazing. We were in Vienna for 5days but visited here 3 times. Try to try all of their pastry! Great jobs!

  • Lukas Geci

    Lukas Geci


    Excellent sweets and baguettes. Surprisingly not too crowded during lunchtime on a weekday. The staff does handle the pastry with bare hands at times, which I personally don’t care about too much, but know many people who do.

  • Natasha Reykherdt

    Natasha Reykherdt


    Overhyped, overcrowded and run out of almost everything at 4pm on Saturday. Guys, empty shelves are no good, I'm sure you can plan the demand better!

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